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Wednesday 13 February 2013


Such an eventful day I am pooped.
* woke up, realized I'd texted German in my sleep again, not even kidding, I've done it before and it scares the crap out of me. No details needed but what I wrote didn't make sense until I went to the bathroom mirror and realized I had a scratch on my eyelid..
* had breaky at mom and dad cuz I'm kinda uncomfortable with eating in Elsie's kitchen, plus I have like no good food here so makes sense.
* Me and dad tried calling my guidance counselor for 20 minutes without any results so we marched over to their office and got down to business. It's ridiculous how little those people know and how they try to get out of it too. We've talked to several different people at that place and nobody seems to know what's going on. Now a new person is on my case trying to figure what my marks translate into. I know my situation is kinda odd since I have marks from Canada , komvux ( online courses) and first year of high school in Sweden but somebody should know.....
* After this I went straight to the library to get some work done on my paper. I actually accomplished alot so felt good about myself. Disturbing fact though, a guy let out the loudest fart I've ever heard and pretended as if nothing, just continued browsing the library's large selection of magazines. I was like EXCUSE YOU? No, I didn't actually say that out loud.
* Lunch time. Had left over crêpes with dad and headed out for some driving ed. I do must say that I've improved alot in short time. Still got major issues with turning and remembering doing everything at the same time but I just need practice.
* while we were driving my old boss from the ice cream shop/mini golf place in Malmö called and at first dad refuses to let me answer since that would make me a distracted driver and bla bla but then when I told him who it was he was more than willing to let me grab that phone call, it was funny. Aaanyyyways. I was offered a summer job which makes me really happy. Andreas who I work for is such a chill awesome guy so I'm really looking forwards to this if it all works out.
* We wrapped up the days driving by stopping by at Preem to see if the boss happened to be in.Dad hopes that I could get a job there since Erik worked there for a looong time and made alooot of money. He wasn't in and we decides to come back another day.
* Then Sara came over and we sang and played some guitar and made candles and listen to TS hehehe.
* Forgot my wallet and my shoes as I hurried off to my gym class- late, of course... Got in, last time I get to go in with out my gym card and had to spin in my converse... Usually I sit in the front but now I hid in the back because I gotta admit that it's kinda embarrassing.
* DIED during the class, it was the toughest 80 min spin class I've ever been to and sweat like mad.
* Finally went to look at Elsa's apartment with mom and dad and decided that I'm moving in with her in march.
I am so happy and excited. Skype time with German, gotta fill him in on my eventful day. Nighty

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